We believe that
Story telling is an important part of the healing journey. By allowing people to share their stories and listening when they do, we enable both storytellers and readers to see that they are not alone.
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My COVID Story
Dustin’s COVID Story
Most people were not really careful about their sanitation and cleanliness, but when COVID hit, people knew how to properly wash their hands and avoid unnecessary touching of their nose, mouth and eyes.

My COVID Story
Doki’s COVID Story
One thing I’m grateful for is that because of how work changed, I got to spend time at home for a whole month.

My COVID Story
Anonymous COVID Story 1
Adulthood is very scary to be waking up to and realising no one sees me as a child anymore.

My COVID Story
Anonymous COVID Story 2
People showed a lot of humanity during the COVID period. Everyone was checking in on each other.

My COVID Story
Sylvanus’s COVID Story
My final silver lining, though one which everyone won’t see as a silver lining, is that I can talk in class because of the masks.

My COVID Story
John Nakholi’s COVID Story
I think the only negative time for me was the period while I was sick and the mental turmoil as a result.

My COVID Story
Ciru’s COVID Story
COVID was like a long break for me because it came after high school.

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