

we are

The Artistic Psychologist started as a platform of creative expression, via a blog, about mental health from my personal perspective

Who we are Scroll Down

your feelings are valid


Our Mission

To end the stigma surrounding mental health one conversation at a time, one action at a time.


Our Vision

To be a leading and credible source in demystifying mental health matters and in making mental health services more accessible, especially to the younger generation in Kenya.

Our Team

Meet the faces behind The Artistic Psychologist.


Paulyne Wanyonyi The Artistic Psychologist

Founder and CEO

Paulyne is the founder and CEO of The Artistic Psychologist (TAP). Her love and passion for mental health led to the creation of this platform, which aims to make information on mental health and mental health services as accessible as possible for young people in Kenya.


Betty Kimamo The Artistic Psychologist

Sound Engineer

Betty is a journalist and audio editor with a strong collaborative spirit. She delights in bringing artistic visions to life through sound and aims to give each project a unique personality. Her creativity and skill add a unique touch to our podcast and to our blog posts.


Phoebe Simba The Artistic Psychologist

Office Assistant

Phoebe Simba is a seasoned Administrative professional with a wealth of more than 15 years track record in office management as well as People and Culture Management .She enjoys working with people and is also proficient in executive support. Her experience and expertise are of great value to our team.

Our Story


Our Story

When I was in university, I went through a breakup that took a toll on my mental health. I was having a tough time, and even the simplest of activities were difficult for me to do. It was a lonely experience because I could not speak about it as openly as I wanted. For about a month, I remained silent, and as a result, the hurt and pain I was feeling continued to consume me inside out. I found a safe space in one of my lecturers during that time. He noticed that I was not doing well and invited me to his office to talk. I would go to his office every afternoon for about three months, and on some days, I would cry. On some other days, we would chat and laugh, or he would make a pot of coffee that we would have with the njugu (groundnuts) that I would bring for us to share. Sometimes, we would sit in silence. Not once did he turn me away. Every day, he would welcome and embrace me as I was. Those daily chats gave me the courage to open up to my friends and family. They also helped me find healing and peace of mind. That semester taught me important lessons that have stayed with me ever since. Firstly, that healing happens in spaces where someone can show up exactly as they are. Spaces where one knows that no matter the state they are in, they are welcomed, seen, and embraced. I also learned that hurt and pain, whether ours or someone else’s, should neither be rushed nor dismissed but honoured and met with patience and compassion. From this experience and these lessons, The Artistic Psychologist was born.  

Initially, The Artistic Psychologist was solely a blog where I would post articles and creative pieces on mental health, specifically on my journey through my breakup. Over time, the blog posts evolved, covering different issues on mental health that were again primarily personal. The platform now has several branches in addition to the blog, including: 

– A podcast I founded in the year 2020 called Safe Space which aims to demystify mental health matters through conversation and storytelling.
– Therapy services through Safe Space Counselling Centre, which aims to make mental health services as affordable and accessible as possible, most especially to the younger generation.
– And, through Instagram and Facebook, we are demystifying mental health matters through the use of visual content as well as regular interaction with the online community.

This platform is steadily growing and evolving. While navigating this growth and evolution, I do my best to maintain at its core patience, compassion and kindness, the gifts I received from my lecturer. I also strive to create safe spaces where people feel welcome to show up as they are and know that their journey will not only be honoured but also embraced. 

So, that is my story up until this point. Thank you for stopping by! Please stay and join me as we learn to meet each other with patience and compassion. And, as we learn to honour each other’s journeys and tackle mental health matters one conversation at a time.


    • What treatment approach do you use?

      Most therapists (myself included) use an integrative approach which combines various healing modalities to ensure successful treatment for the client.

    • How frequent are the sessions?

      Sessions are typically once a week. In some cases, however, if I assess that an individual is in a more dire situation, I will advise that we have more frequent sessions, to begin with, before we settle into the regular once-a-week sessions. Later on, as we progress towards the completion of sessions, I may suggest more spaced-out sessions, e.g. every two weeks or even monthly.

And More …


Coming soon…


Did you know The Artistic Psychologist started as a blog? Check out our most recent ones.


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